I write this post with a heavy heart. You see, I've come to the decision that it's time for "Privileged" to end. We said goodbye to 2011 this weekend, and with it, I said goodbye to my infertility. It's over. Dead and gone. I have the sweet, precious child I so desperately longed for and the revelation that he is the only one my body will ever bare.
So many that I know, online and IRL had miserable 2011. I had the best year of my life. For the first 7 months I carried the life I had prayed and wept for so desperately in 2008, 2009 and most of 2010. I reveled in carrying Little Bird. I counted each day as precious and wonderful. I bore the responsibility for his little life with utmost care and gratefulness.
2012 brings only hope and gladness as Hubs and I watch LB grow into the most fantastic little boy. He's still my Itty Bitty, weighing in at 15lbs, 4oz at 5 months old. But his personality and smile are larger than life! He truly is the light of our lives. He is rolling over, jabbering, playing with toys, imitating our movements, and now, eating cereal!
He keeps me busier than I ever imagined - especially since he is not yet mobile. And that explains my absence. I'm having to much fun living life with Hubs and LB, and at the end of each day, I'm just too spent to come relive it all with you.
I cannot express my deep gratitude for each of you that I've traveled this journey with. I hope with all my might that each of you will end up with the child you long for and enjoy the ones you've been given. I will still be reading and occasionally commenting (or emailing when appropriate). Thank you for your strength, hope, prayers, and reading along as I made my way to this point.
It was all worth it. I would relive all the pain and tears, ups and downs, every last bit of it to have my Little Bird. He was worth it all. He is more than I could ever have imagined.