Friday, November 26, 2010


Today's number came back at 151. My nurse was very happy with the number and so am I! I've always heard that as long as it's rising, that's what matters most.

I am scheduled to go in for an u/s and meet with my RE on Dec 15 at 2:30... that is NINETEEN days away. How I am supposed to survive that long?!? I think I'm going to HAVE to go to the $$$ store and pick up some cheapie HPTs to use every few days. I have 0 symptoms, so I'm going to need just a *little* reassurance between now and then.


  1. Alison, what great news about your beta! Please try to relax and enjoy. You have no reason to think that this pregnancy won't work out.

  2. Congratulations! I know how exciting this time is. Try not to stress about the "what-if's" and just enjoy the fact that you are a Mommy!

  3. Such exciting new! I know the first trimester seems to just drag by. All I can say is try to enjoy it and follow this mantra: Everything is okay until I know otherwise. That helped me when I was newly pregnant after loss. Maybe it can help you too! Keep us posted!

    Esperanza @

  4. Personally I found POASing every few days very reassuring and therapeutic. I hope the next 19 days FLY by while you're busy with life and holiday preparations! I just want to say it again - I'm SO insanely excited for you!!!!!

  5. Yay! That sounds perfect! I hope these 19 days go quickly.

  6. So exciting!

    When I finally get a positive preg test I bet I will take hundreds...

  7. 151, what a sweet number :-) I say, go ahead and buy loads of HPTs and POAS every day if you feel like it. There's nothing better than to see a +HPT every morning! You won't get many symptoms yet so that should give you plenty of reassurance until your next appt!

  8. Yaaaaaaay! Congrats!!! Wow, 19 days. Yeah, I would have to pee on a lot of sticks. I hope it flies by!!!

  9. Fantastic second beta!!!! You definitely got a great Thanksgiving day gift this year!!

  10. Woohoo! I HATE the wait between beta and u/s... I agree with everyone else - POAS every day if it makes you feel better! I hope the time goes quickly for you.

    Congrats again Alison!
