Thursday, February 25, 2010

We have a winner!!

As you probably guessed it, the giveaway quiz was meant to be easy enough that everyone would have a chance! Everyone answered the questions correctly - so that meant that everyone who entered had a chance at winning.

I used a random number generator to select a number and that number corresponded with an entry and now that person is the winner!

Everyone congratulate:


Thanks again to everyone who entered and especially those who commented with kind words about how much the winner was going to enjoy working with me and getting one of my designs! I felt all warm & fuzzy from it! So much so, that I will be doing it again... probably some time this summer.



  1. No freakin way! I never win anything!
    Thank you so much Alison!

  2. Woohoo congrats Michelle!! Can't wait to see what your new blog design looks like! :) This was a great, really sweet idea, Alison! :)
